August 26th – September 1st, 2024

The astrology for this week of August 26th through the 1st of September of 2024 has various major shifts and significant turns with sprinkles of love and camaraderie thrown in.

The week begins with a push – pull between what we might want to do and what we feel we should do.  We’re moving ever closer to our autumn schedule with a taste of new beginnings thrown into the mix of familiar endeavors.

Let’s keep in mind that we are in a paradigm shift.  It’s not about what we can do or our having control over situations, but rather the unanticipated and unexpected matters that determine ‘right’ course of action.

Although we might be slow starting as we begin the week, things are likely to ratchet up fairly quickly.  We can encounter a serendipitous connection that not only warms our heart but proves exceedingly helpful in our accomplishing our tasks, taking care of our obligations.  We might be tempted to make purchases that assist us in streamlining our operations, but it would be wise to avoid major purchases, definite commitments until after Mercury turns direct.

Suggestions can be given, although not always heeded, and so it may be before Mercury turns direct late on Wednesday.

Mercury ends its three-week retrograde cycle on Wednesday, and things can start to straighten out.  Each of us could have experienced various misses — miscommunications, misdirection, misunderstandings, and other misses –– during this three-week Mercury retrograde cycle that began back on the 5th of August [a three-week period that saw Kamala Harris certified as the Democratic Presidential nominee, the choice of Tim Walz for the Democratic Vice-Presidential nominee, and the Democratic National Convention]. It also had Independent Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. this past Friday making a major announcement of suspending his own campaign and endorsing Trump in the swing states.

Let’s keep in mind, and as some of us could have experienced, Mercury retrograde plays out various aspects of Murphy’s Law with its edict of “whatever can go wrong could go wrong”.

Thursday has Venus exiting Virgo to enters its own Sign of Libra.  Relationships may be far more pleasant, less critical, with a greater appreciation for what is going on with another person rather than the narcissistic, self-centered tendencies evident in our relationships in recent society. 

The weekend is the long Labor Day holiday weekend in the US, the crescendo of summertime with the last blowout of the season.

A major shift in energy occurs on Sunday as we enter the month of September.  Uranus turns retrograde until the end of January, and Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn for its last swipe at the Cardinal Earth Sign.  Pluto will retrograde back through Capricorn until the third week of November when Pluto re-enters Aquarius for its twenty-year cycle through the Fixed Air Sign.  When Pluto first entered Capricorn in 2008, we experienced the global financial crisis.  As Pluto exited Capricorn to briefly enter Aquarius last spring in 2023 several banks went under, were acquired, or were salvaged.  During this late summer, early fall we may see further issues with financial services and the banking industry.

Monday, August 26th – After the Hoopla – Sun.  Monday begins this week with the Moon in Gemini square the Sun.  This past week had all sorts of excitement.  We had the joyful Democratic National Convention, the thrilling finals to the Little League World Series, and the surprising endorsement of Trump by Robert Kennedy, Jr.  What a whirlwind week last week was, and all during Mercury retrograde.  This week may be slow starting.  We might be wiped out by the extreme swings of highs and lows we experienced last week.   We could feel torn between what we want to do and what we need to do.  This is the week leading up to the long Labor Day holiday weekend, perhaps our last blast of summertime fun events.  If we can blow off what needs to get done, we are liable to do so.  Even if we break free from our responsibilities, they can still be nagging at us.  Let’s allow ourselves a slow start to the week, especially in consideration that the energy will be ratcheting up significantly tomorrow.  We do have Mercury turning direct late on Wednesday, so today and tomorrow and Wednesday are three days for us to go back over old matters to be certain that we have successfully concluded outstanding issues so as not to bring them into this next cycle after Mercury turns direct.

Tuesday, August 27th – On All Cylinders – Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Uranus.  Tuesday continues with the Gemini Moon with the Moon today square Saturn, the Moon conjunct Jupiter, the Moon sextile Mercury, and the Moon conjunct Mars.  Venus trines Uranus. We might have a lot on our mind as we start this Tuesday, feeling overwhelmed both by all that we feel we need to do and our sense of lack of resources available to us.  Once we shake out the cobwebs in our mind, we can move into high gear, confident of what we are able to accomplish with a sense that serendipity and destiny are on our side.  Someone may step forward, suggest better ways to attain successful results and even assist us in realizing our goals.  This Tuesday is a day when our day begins with the swing between despair and elation with the latter bucking us up and giving a thrust towards being productive and effective in our endeavors.  We could have a sense of the paradigm shift where we find ourselves in the right place at the right time, whether we intended or happened to be there by happenchance.  Once we get on the right path today, there can be no stopping us.  This is a day to throw off anchors, remove any sense of blockages, and forge forward full steam ahead.  Let’s just keep in mind that Mercury is stationary in process of turning direct tomorrow, thereby ending the three-week retrograde cycle that might have caused its share of madness and mayhem.

Wednesday, August 28th – Getting a Grip – Lunar T-Square, Venus, Neptune, Moon Void-of-Course, Sun, Mercury direct.  Tuesday could have been an effective and productive day if we didn’t get carried away by our feelgood attitude.  Like a crescendo, the Mercury retrograde ending today might have had its last laugh yesterday with things getting convoluted and the universe raising the question as to whether we either got ahead of ourselves or too full of ourselves.  Wednesday begins with the Moon completing its transit of Gemini.  The Moon triggers a Mutable Sign T-Square today with the Gemini Moon square Venus in Virgo, and the Moon square Neptune in Pisces.  The Moon then goes Void-of-Course for an hour and a half with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon finishes its transit of Gemini and before the Moon enters Cancer where today the Cancer Moon sextiles the Sun.  Venus opposes Neptune, and Mercury turns direct [5:14 PM EDT] ending it three-week retrograde cycle.  As accomplished as we might have been yesterday, thanks to the intercession by the universe with a sprinkle of magic of unanticipated assistance and despite the stalling influence of Mercury stationary about to change direction, this day could have us prey to the dysfunctional.  One of the challenges of these times is having to deal with the incompetent, the entitled, and the dysfunctional.  In the woke society in which we find ourselves, one could only wish that it would trigger an awakening.  Instead, we often find ourselves dealing with half-wits who accept dysfunctionality as characteristic of the human condition.  With Mercury turning direct, things can get squirrely today as we adjust to the shift in energy, and we shall be in the ‘shadow’ of the Mercury retrograde until September 11th.

Thursday, August 29th – Romantic Interludes – Saturn, Venus, Pluto, Venus Libra.  Thursday continues with the Cancer Moon with the Moon today trine Saturn.  Venus exits Virgo to enter its own Sign of Libra, and Venus trines Pluto.  With Mercury having turned direct yesterday, we may be a little shaky but more on solid ground than we have been over the past three weeks.  We can straighten things out, clean things up, and be both more coherent and better able to get things done effectively.  Our relationships might thrive.  With Venus in Virgo the past three weeks, we are liable to have been critical of other people, focusing on their flaws rather than their attributes.  Now we may appreciate our connection and recognize what people bring to our life.  If we have had any upsets with someone during this month, and it would be surprising if we had not experienced some disturbing incidents, today is a good day to make amends.  Love and friendship and camaraderie are in the air today.  If we have the chance to do so, today is a good day to spend quality time with a special someone.  Our interaction could seem almost on a soul level, where we can engage the essence of another person’s being.  Let’s take note of suggestions given to us.  Other people have a detached perspective, might be more objective regarding our plans, and may add encouragement and wise insight as to our next steps forward.

Friday, August 30th – Work then Play – Uranus, Neptune, Moon Void-of-Course, Pluto, Venus.  Friday has the Moon completing its transit of Cancer with the Cancer Moon sextile Uranus, and the Moon tine Neptune.  The Moon then goes Void-of-Course for over an hour and a half with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon finishes its transit of Cancer and before the Moon enters Leo where today the Leo Moon opposes Pluto and the Moon sextiles Venus.  Similar to recent weeks, the Moon aspects the three transcendental planets of Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.  This Friday begins the long Labor Day holiday weekend in the US, often considered the last major holiday of the summer season, signaling the unofficial end to the summer season, and initiating a return to our normal daily life activities.  We may want to put things away and bring closure to certain involvements before we engage summertime’s final blowout of a weekend.  As the day unfolds, we are likely to move into party mood with concentration on good times.  If we have plans with other people, let’s avoid any tug-of-war regarding our course of action.  Even if we have some type of hiccup regarding who gets to be on center stage, late in the day our efforts can be collaborative with an evening of good feelings, romance, and lightheartedness.

Saturday, August 31st – Blank Slate.  The Moon continues is transit of Leo but makes no contact to the planets today. This day can be like a blank slate but with an emphasis on our having a good time.  No matter what we choose to do on this Saturday, our interest will be to enjoy oneself.  While there may not be a great deal of energy today, we are likely feeling upbeat and optimistic.  We could have a sense that by stepping off the track and not being besieged by our responsibilities and obligations that we can breathe deeply, feel free from impediments, and expand our perspective and explore our possibilities.  Today would be a good day to take a drive about, relax in nature, and just take time for ourselves.  There are few days during this paradigm shift with its wildly volatile swings that we are able to fully take advantage of peace, quiet and serenity.  Unless we are caught up in family gatherings or social commitments, today is a day for us to recharge, reinvigorate and renew.  Let’s en joy on our terms today without feeling compelled to do anything or answer to anyone.  Yes, this Saturday is one of those rare ‘ME’ days when we can feed our inner life.

Sunday, September 1st – Back and – Jupiter, Mercury, Uranus, Mars, Moon Void-of-Course, Uranus retrograde, Pluto Capricorn.  Sunday continues with the Moon in Leo with the Leo Moon today sextile Jupiter, the Moon conjunct Mercury, the Moon square Uranus, and the Moon conjunct Mars.  The Moon then goes Void-of-Course for almost three and a half hours with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon completes its transit of Leo and before the Moon enters Virgo to end this Sunday.  Uranus turns retrograde [11:18 AM EDT] and Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn [8:10 PM EDT] to gives its last two-and-a-half-month whack at the Cardinal Earth Sign.  One of the characteristics in doing life is the liability of being oblivious — oblivious to true reality, oblivious to matters that have a direct and significant impact on our lives, oblivious to the manipulations and control of the powers-that-be.  Today is one of those days when we might be far more interested in enjoying ourselves, having a good time, and keeping the world and its crazy-making antics at bay.  Out of sight, out of mind.  No matter how much we focus on distractions and diversions, the universe and unfolding energies have ways of calling attention to dramatic changes and radical alterations.  This day is a good day to have fun, even though we might need to have contingency plans at hand.  Unexpected situations could arise today, forcing us to alter our course of action.  No matter how much joy and fun we try to engage, it would be wise for us to keep an eye on the skies, maintain an awareness as to what is unfolding, even if barely perceptible.  With Pluto retrograding back into Capricorn, we need to be careful with our physical back.  No stress, no strain that would trigger back problems.  We also must be attentive to what is going on with our traditional institutions, many of which may be on very shaky ground with the liability of implosion.  One such sector to keep track of is the financial services.  When Pluto first entered Capricorn back in 2008, we experienced the global financial crisis.  When Pluto first exited Capricorn to enter Aquarius in the Spring of 2023, several banks went under, were, acquired, or salvaged.  This two-and-a-half-month cycle of Pluto back in Capricorn could once again bring up concerning matters regarding banks, financial services, equity markets, and other traditional institutions that seem stronger in appearance than in content.