August 19th – 25th, 2024

The astrology for this week of August 19th through the 25th of 2024 has us in whacky, weird energy configurations.

The week begins with the Aquarius Full Moon and two T-Squares: a Fixed Sign Full Moon T-Square with the Sun Moon opposition square Uranus, and a Mutable Sign T-Square with Venus, Jupiter, Saturn.  And we’re in the last full week of the Mercury retrograde.  Bwahahaha!

The week also starts the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, and under such energy configurations?  Certainly, the Convention should be a sparkling, star-studded extravaganza with various celebrities trotted out to whoop up the delegates and the viewers at home for the feel-good Democrat ticket.  While the convention show is likely to be well-choreographed, one has to wonder under these intense energy configurations if the old and sage statement will be played out as: “if you want to make god laugh, tell god your plans’.

We may all be on pins and needles regarding whatever curveballs might occur.  Will Biden bid adieu, resign his position, so that the Convention becomes not only a coronation but also an installation pro tem of Harris as President?  Or could Biden speak out and blast the palace coup that took him out.  After all, to borrow a representation from an age-old caution: ‘Hell hath no fury like a Scorpio scorned’.

We shall see, but under these energy configurations, I’m reluctant to make my forecast of the presidential election until after the conclusion of the Democratic National Convention.

Fortunately, this week also has the Little League World Series, providing a semblance of normalcy to the otherwise most bizarre antics of this week.

The latter part of the week has the Sun ending its transit of Leo and entering Virgo.

Even if summer has not ended, we might be looking to get back on track, get serious about our responsibilities, and focus on how we can strive and thrive under challenging external conditions.  Are happy days here again?  Not quite, not yet.

Monday, August 19th – Bizarro World – Mars, Mercury, Aquarius Full Moon, T-Square, Sun, Uranus, Moon Void-of-Course, T-Square, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn.  Monday begins this week with a wide palette of energies.  Buckle your seat belt!  The Aquarius Moon trines Mars, the Moon opposes Mercury, and the Moon triggers a Fixed Sign T-Square at the Aquarius Full Moon when the Moon opposes the Sun [2:26 PM EDT] and both square Uranus. After the Full Moon, the Moon goes Void-of-Course for almost four and a half hours with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon finishes its transit of Aquarius and before the Moon enters Pisces in the evening.  Venus in Virgo triggers a Mutable sign T-Square with Venus square Jupiter in Gemini and Venus opposed Saturn in Pisces.  Jupiter squares Saturn.  Frustrations and delays can occur due to unexpected situations upsetting our plans.  This day demands patience and maintaining a calm attitude, no matter how difficult such a disposition might seem to attain.  Relationships may also be dicey with a whipsaw of emotions, critiques, and a downright petulant outlook.  Elation – Despair can have us on a wild whipsaw of emotions and behavior with our relationships. We are in a paradigm shift where we need to expect the unexpected with times of surprising opportunities, other times of unpredicted challenges.  Today with Uranus in the T-Square could evidence the latter.   

Tuesday, August 20th – Could it Be – Lunar T-Square, Saturn, Jupiter.  Tuesday has the Pisces Moon with the Moon making no connections to the planets until late in the day when the Pisces Moon conjuncts Saturn and the Moon squares Jupiter.  As the Moon makes contact late in the day with the opposite energies of Saturn with its sense of contraction and Jupiter with its sense of expansion, the Moon also begins the trigger to a Mutable Sign T-Square with the Moon square Jupiter and accentuated early Wednesday with the Pisces Moon opposed Venus and the Moon square Mars.  Monday might have wiped us out with the intensity of yesterday’s energies, and we could be slow starting as Tuesday begins.  Like a metronome between heightened energy and virtually no energy, this week has us in a whipsaw of starts and stops, times of incredible energy, other times when energy is hard to find.  We might feel a little down in the dumps today, feeling a pawn in the greater game of life, unable to determine our future against the weight of external forces.  Even if we feel behind the proverbial eight ball, the energy shifts dramatically as someone helps to put a smile on our face, gives us an infusion of optimism and has us consider possibilities.  No matter how difficult things may seem, it is wise under this paradigm shift for us to recognize that things can change suddenly and dramatically and with hardly a moment’s notice.  This week is one whacky energy week, so it would be wise for us to avoid any rush to judgment, but rather try to maintain calm, and take everything with a grain, or more likely a block, of salt.

Wednesday, August 21st – Tone it Down – Lunar T-Square, Venus, Mars, Uranus, Neptune, Moon Void-of-Course, Pluto.  Yesterday, today, and tomorrow have intense energies that revolve around our resources and our hopes and wishes and whether we can get them all to mesh.  Wednesday has the Pisces Moon triggering a Mutable Sign T-Square that started yesterday and feels some of its influence tomorrow.  The Pisces Moon opposes Venus and the Moon squares Mars.  The Moon sextiles Uranus and the Moon conjuncts Neptune before the Moon goes Void-of-Course for an hour with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon completes its transit of Pisces and before the Moon enters Aries where tonight the Aries Moon sextiles Pluto.  As we have experienced over recent weeks, today has the Moon aspecting all three transcendental planets of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.  The emotional whipsaws are liable to continue today, and there can be concern about our future direction and whether we have the capability to achieve our greatest dreams.  The challenge for each of us during this paradigm shift is one of getting out of our own way, letting go of our prescribed trajectory, and being open to surprising developments that could grease our wheels and make us aware of trajectories that might be far better for us than what we had projected for ourselves.  This is a day for us to be certain that we don’t have blinders on but rather that we are open to the mystery and magic of these times.

Thursday, August 22nd – Getting Serious – Venus, Mars, Sun Virgo.  The Moon continues its transit of Aries but without making any connections to the planets today.  Venus squares Mars, and the Sun exits Leo to enter Virgo [10:55 AM EDT].  The Venus Mars issue has gone on over the past two days and crescendos on this Thursday.  Relationships could be dicey, and it would be suggested that we keep our conversations and our discussions to non-controversial issues.  How about that Little League World Series?  Down to the last 8 teams before the finals on Sunday!  Despite the Venus Mars conundrum that has gone on this week which in times past may have triggered a battle of the sexes, in our non-binary world our conflict could be more with our own personal identity and our future trajectory.  With the Sun moving into Virgo, our attention may shift back into our routine, our daily life, and the various mundane matters that bedevil us.  Summer might not be officially over, but the impending autumn is not far off, and we could find ourselves back in lockstep with the lemming march of ordinary, daily affairs.

Friday, August 23rd – Still Summer Friday – Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Moon Void-of-Course, Pluto, Sun.  Friday has the Moon continuing its transit of Aries.  In the early morning hours, the Aries Moon sextiles both Jupiter and Mars both in Gemini, and the Moon trine Mercury.  The Moon then goes Void-of-Course for almost eleven and a half hours with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon completes its transit of Aries and before the Moon enters Taurus in the evening with the Taurus Moon square Pluto and the Moon trine the Sun to end this Friday.  After the extravaganza of the DNC that went on through Thursday evening, we might feel as though a weight has been lifted and we can get back into the groove of doing our own life.  While politics has a direct impact on our lives, we may also have a sense that it’s all ‘bread and circuses’ with specious promises made and no real successful resolutions to any number of problems that face the general public or the nation at large.  This day allows us to get back to the fundamentals of summertime when we start our weekends early.  We might be gearing up for a weekend of Little League World Series viewing, or at least some of us will.  This Friday is a day for us to stretch our wings, do what we want to do, and consider our prospects more than our daily reality.  The evening hours could be a little dicey with our relationships, and especially if people choose to critique the DNC or the political contest.  The political divide in this country is extreme.  Let’s avoid contentious discussions or pushing the envelope just to annoy those on the other side of the political divide.

Saturday, August 24th – Time for Me – Mercury, Mars.  The Moon continues its transit of Taurus but makes no connections to the planets today.  Mercury sextiles Mars.  This Saturday may be a ‘ME’ day, a day when we determine what we want to do by means of whatever catches our fancy.  Relationships seem a lot more pleasant than they might have been on Friday night.  We are less judgmental, less opinionated, and more interested in our personal world than the crazy-making antics in the world-at-large.  Shopping for our autumn wardrobe or having a personal makeover are ways by which we can polish our image and accentuate our personal style.  We might have home projects we wish to engage, as we move away from our summertime gaieties into our preparations for the coming fall.  Whatever we choose today, it’s likely to be all about ‘ME’.  There is not a great deal of energy today, far less of the whipsaws we could have experienced during the week, and more of a tendency for us to take things step-by-step rather than any impetuousness we exhibited over the past few days.  This Saturday can have us slowing things down and being more focused on what we wish to accomplish and any pressing tasks we need to attend to.  We are unlikely to feel any pressure today to perform but can use this day as a ‘mental health’ day when we regroup, revitalize, and renew.

Sunday, August 25th – Not Always Fun and Games – Saturn, Mercury Venus, Uranus, Neptune, Moon Void-of-Course, Pluto. Sunday has the Moon still in Taurus with the Taurus Moon today sextile Saturn, the Moon square Mercury, the Moon trine Venus, the Moon conjunct Uranus, and the Moon sextile Neptune before the Moon goes Void-of-Course for almost an hour and a half with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon completes its transit of Taurus and before the Moon enters Gemini late on Sunday with the Gemini Moon trine Pluto to close out the day.  We could accomplish a lot today, if we are willing to concentrate on our mundane tasks and deal with what needs to get done.  Mercury will be turning direct next week and any reworks, redo, and revisiting old matters can be dealt with and possibly in a streamlined manner.  The three transcendental planets of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are engaged today in a most harmonious manner.  We could be operating on greased wheels today.  This Sunday might not be the best day for fun and games but rather focused intent on taking care of our responsibilities and obligations.  There may still be time for us to look up from our nose to grindstone and enjoy the Little League World Series Championship Game.  Ah, the days of summer. Some traditions are not lost amidst the crazy-making antics of our post-modern world.