July 29th – August 4th, 2024

The astrology for this week of July 29th through August 4th of 2024 offers some enjoyable times with a few difficult incidents as we move towards the Leo New Moon at the end of the week and the Mercury retrograde that begins next week.

The week begins with us attentive to what we wish to complete before we throw open wide a broad realm of participations.  Let’s bear in mind that the three-week Mercury retrograde begins next week, so it would be wise to complete significant purchases and important decisions now before Mercury engages Murphy’s Law of ‘whatever can go wrong could go wrong.’

As the week unfolds, we could be involved in many varied activities and possibly too many.  Although the variety can be exciting, we might be exhausted by mid-week.

Later in the week, the energy dies down and we might choose time with family and seek the comforts of home. 

There may be an unexpected hiccup in our relationships as self-interests get in the way of collaborative engagements.

The weekend encourages good times, such as attending entertainment performances, participating in sports activities, or just enjoying ourselves.

The week closes out with the Leo New Moon impacting the next two weeks with a desire for a get-away before we get serious with our regular routine but under the three-week Mercury retrograde beginning next week.

Monday, July 29th –Doing What Needs to be Done – Venus, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Mercury.  Monday begins the week with the Taurus Moon square Venus, the Moon conjunct Uranus, and the Moon sextile Neptune.  The Moon then moves into Gemini where in the evening hours the Moon trines Pluto, and the Moon squares Mercury.  All three transcendental planets of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are engaged today and in harmonious ways.  The day is best served by our hunkering down and doing what needs to get done.  Remember that Mercury is turning retrograde next week, and this Monday is the best day of the week to complete significant matters and conclude outstanding and pressing demands.  We might need to adjust our plans and work smarter rather than harder.  Even if our course of action is altered today, we can get more done than usual by streamlining our operations and not getting in the way of ourselves.  We could be highly productive during this Monday, but the energy shifts late in the day. Evening social occasions can be pleasant exchanges of thought with some discussions providing remarkable insights as to how best to achieve our goals.  Far better for us to think of the big picture than to focus on the specifics, since some of the details may need to be revised and reworked.

Tuesday, July 30th – Anything and Everything – Mars, Sun, Jupiter.  Tuesday continues with the Gemini Moon with the Moon conjunct Mars, the Moon sextile the Sun, and the Moon conjunct Jupiter.  Nothing may seem too much for us today.  We have the drive and passion to put our individual mark on our activities.  We just need to be careful that we don’t put so much on our plate that we rush through each involvement.  If we can juggle several things and multitask adeptly, then we are likely to move like the wind from one thing to another to yet another and be successful in our endeavors.  But the key to our success will be making certain that nothing falls between the cracks and that we can adapt and alter in accord with changing circumstance.  From our personal self-focus early in the day, we seem far more collaborative, attentive to other people’s interests as day turns to night.  Tuesday evening could be a splendid time to spend with a special someone who is upbeat, lively and provides us with a positive perspective.

Wednesday, July 31st – What a Difference – Saturn, Venus, Neptune.  Wednesday has the Moon finishing its transit of Gemini with the Gemini Moon square Saturn in the early morning hours, the Moon sextile Venus mid-day, and the Moon square Neptune late in the evening.  The Moon then exits Gemini to enter Cancer to end the day.  Ever have the sense of ‘what a difference a day makes’?  We could be feeling that way compared to yesterday.  Our attitude and consequent results may have been all positive yesterday; this Wednesday not so much.  We might start this day feeling burdened by all that we need to accomplish and find ourselves in an emotional funk.  Someone can place demands on us to finish some of our own unfinished business or help them lift their load.  If we are able to step away from our responsibilities, we are likely to do so.  When things seem insurmountable, the timing may be off, and it’s often wiser to put our tasks on hold, take a break to catch our breath, and do something that restores our emotional and physical energy. This is one of those days that could lead to moody whipsaws — down to begin the day, up mid-day, and liable to back down to end the day.

Thursday, August 1st – Straightening Up, Preparing – Mercury.  Thursday has the Cancer Moon sextile Mercury in the later part of the day.  After two days that might have had us whipsawed between elation and despair, the energy dies down on this Thursday.  Tuesday and Wednesday may have had us hyper-active.  Today suggests we avoid distractions and engage the planning stages for our days ahead.  With the month of August beginning today, we may start thinking about stepping back into our routine as school openings and college orientations occur in two weeks.  While there is not a lot of energy today, we can be productive in straightening up our messes and preparing for our routine lives to reengage.  Even if we are traveling, it would be wise for us to give thought to how we might establish the template for our routine life when we choose to get back on the track.  This is primarily a day for brainstorming, organizing, and getting things in place.

Friday, August 2nd – Nasty Surprises, Resolute Decisions – Saturn, Venus, Uranus. Friday continues with the Cancer Moon with the Moon today trine Saturn.  Venus squares Uranus.  Having been traveling out-of-state the past two weeks, I was astonished by the cost of… EVERYTHING.  It may not seem such a big deal nor as dramatic when shopping for items at our usual stores and prices go up slightly week after week despite the cumulative effect of hyperinflation.  Being in unfamiliar terrain and confronted by highly expensive prices for familiar items, it came as a tremendous shock to see what the locals were having to pay for groceries, gas, and eating out.  Perhaps we have become too lackadaisical about our personal finances.  Few of us were taught finances and the proper stewardship of our monies and we have had credit cards to fall back on with the disposition of what we want we can get without fully accounting for the consequences.  While we might have some nasty surprises regarding costs and expenses, we can also be prodded to take the time and evaluate our revenue stream and our ordinary expenses and start budgeting for these changing times.   Another area of nasty surprises could be in our relationships where the bloom comes off the rose and we see someone’s character in a different light.  

Saturday, August 3rd – Spontaneity with Meaning – Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.  Saturday begins the day with the Cancer Moon sextile Uranus, and the Moon trine Neptune.  The Moon then moves into Leo where today the Leo Moon opposes Pluto.  The three transcendental planets are engaged today, as they have done on various days over recent weeks. We are also on the ‘dark side’ of the Moon prior to tomorrow’s New Moon.  This is a day for us to think outside the box, even allowing ourselves to be guided by what comes up unexpectedly.   As the 12-Step program advises: “let go and let God.”  Spontaneous actions can be highly beneficial if we keep in mind that they need to have some larger purpose and not merely silly distractions.  We can be guided in right direction by being open to insights and intuitive understandings.  There is a power greater than our individual selves and by listening and being open we could receive signals along our way.  Where a problem arises, and often a challenge during our earthly journey, is our ego getting in the way.  We often assume that we know best and that we need to be in control of situations, direct them according to our will, and negate any input or support from external forces. Such an attitude may blind us to surprising developments and exciting opportunities.

Sunday, August 4th – Height of Summer – Mars, Leo New Moon, Sun, Jupiter, Venus Virgo.  Sunday has the Leo New Moon at the Sun Moon conjunction [7:13 AM EDT].  The Moon sextiles both Mars and Jupiter both in Gemini.  Venus exits Leo to enter Virgo [10:23 PM EDT], a Sign in which Venus is in Fall.  The New Moon after the Sun has transited into a Sign is truly the kickoff of that particular Sun Sign engagement.  Although traditionally August was the summer month that people took off, went away, sometimes for a month, to the seashore, or the mountains, or out of town; familiar routine activities that used to start after Labor Day, e.g., school openings, have increasingly crept into August with many schools opening their school year mid-August.  This New Moon influences the next two weeks up to the Full Moon on the 19th.  It would be wise for us to fully embrace the joys of summer, even if only in brief interludes, over the next two weeks as we sense the impending obligations of our autumn.  Venus in Virgo is not a happy place for Venus.  There is a liability of heightened criticism in our relationships, a greater tendency to find fault even over the most minute issue.  It will be important to take great care with our connections.  This is a time when many more people could see the half glass of water as half empty rather than half full.  We’re in summer, virtually at the height of the summer with the Leo New Moon so let’s enjoy some good times, recreate, and reinvigorate.