July 22nd – 28th, 2024

The astrology for this week of July 22nd through the 28th of 2024 continues our roller coaster ride with various ups and downs and twists and turns.

By now, we should be used to the volatility of these times of paradigm shift.

There are two major Sign changes this week with the Sun entering its own Sign of Leo to begin the week, and Mercury entering its own Sign of Virgo later in the week.  The energy is strengthened but can also seem somewhat taut.

This week would be a good week for us to step off the track, take a break from our routine, and recharge our batteries. 

Even though we may be in mid-summer, we are likely to hear the muted whispers of the impending autumn engagements.

As we begin this week, we could have a thrust of energy with the likelihood of considering a wide range of possible involvements. Nothing may seem too much for us.  Although we might wish to be on center stage, we need to be careful that we don’t become intolerable for some people.  Our upbeat self-assertive attitude can either be appealing or overwhelming.

A comeuppance is liable early in the week as we encounter delays or unexpected difficulties that we’ll have to address.  Bumps in the road can slow our progress, and for some people such impediments may seem their undoing with the mid-week period triggering disappointments and disillusionments.

The latter part of the week can give us a second wind with a tendency for us to want to partake in anything and everything.  Despite any problems encountered earlier in the week, Thursday could prove a primo day for us to take machete in hand, carve our own path, and gain the admiration of someone who could be a significant support system.  We may find ourselves soaring with the eagles.

The weekend might have us doing chores, tending to our mundane tasks, and taking care of responsibilities.

Monday, July 22nd – Here Comes the Sun – Jupiter, Venus, Sun Leo.  Monday has the Aquarius Moon engaging the two ‘good guys’ of the planetary realm with the Moon trine Jupiter and the Moon opposed Venus.  The Sun exits Cancer to enter it own Sign of Leo [3:44 AM EDT] and briefly triggers a Stellium in the Fixed Fire Sign as the Sun joins Venus and Mercury in Leo.  This is a day when we might feel that everything is going our way, and nothing is too much for us to throw ourselves into.  Our physical energy is likely strong, our enthusiasm contagious.  We just need to be careful that we’re not too much for some people.  Our exuberance could seem overbearing, but let’s not allow anyone to rain on our parade.  It’s summertime, and we’re at full tilt looking for good times and to enjoy ourselves and seeking out venues where we can express our ebullience.  We would prefer to participate with other people but will go it alone if need be.  This is a day when some of the heaviness of these times can be lifted with a sense of a new day dawning.  Here comes the sun.

Tuesday, July 23rd – Hitting the Wall – Lunar T-Square, Uranus, Mercury, Moon Void-of-Course, Mars, Sun, Pluto.  Tuesday continues with the Aquarius Moon with the Moon today triggering a Fixed Sign T-Square as the Moon squares Uranus and the Moon opposes Mercury.  The Moon then goes Void-of-Course for three and a half hours with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon completes it transit of Aquarius and before the Moon enters Pisces where the Pisces Moon squares Mars.  Compared to yesterday, Tuesday is a horse of a different color.  As uplifting and enjoyable yesterday may have been, Tuesday could have us feeling like we’re hitting a wall.  Whatever we might try to do today, unexpected difficulties are liable to arise.  Contingency plans are necessary to have in mind since things may not go according to plan.  This day calls for, even demands, employing key characteristics of these times of paradigm shift: flexibility and adaptability.  If we choose not to alter our plans or schedule in accord with shifting circumstance, we could wind up banging our head against the wall.  Today, the universal energies can be like an impenetrable force.  While this day can feel like a sharp contrast to yesterday, we just need to go with the alterations with a hope of experiencing the truth to the sentiment: ‘the universe has far better plans for us than we could have conceived for ourselves’.  Otherwise, there can be a tendency to fall into victim life, throw an emotional tantrum, and believe that life is doing us rather than us doing life.

Wednesday, July 24th – Metronome Swings – Jupiter, Saturn.  Wednesday continues with the Moon in Pisces with the Moon today square Jupiter to begin the day and the Moon conjunct Saturn to end the day.  Our emotions may be highly charged today.  We could start the day either trying to do way too much as if in defiance of our sense of vulnerability, or we might become way too reliant upon someone to get us out of our emotional quagmire.  Today is a day when we need to be sure that our moods do not set us up for a nasty fall.  We are liable to overextend ourselves in the morning hours, only to feel totally wiped out, and even defeated, in the evening.  It is essential that we keep a rein on our emotions and not engage a negative mindset whereby we embrace victimhood.  These times are not for the weak of spirit.  The dynamics of this paradigm may seem like wild metronome swings with many things outside of our control [and they are], but the intensity of the challenges we encounter also provide a honing and awakening and eventually ascension in consciousness.  

Thursday, 25th – Gotta Believe – Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Sun, Mars, Mercury Virgo.  Thursday begins with the Moon completing its transit of Pisces with the Pisces Moon sextile Uranus and the Moon conjunct Neptune.  The Moon then goes into Aries where the Aries Moon today sextiles Pluto, the Moon trines the Sun, and the Moon sextiles Mars.  The Sun sextiles Mars.  Mercury exits Leo to enter its own Sign of Virgo [6:42 PM EDT], ending the Leo Stellium of three planets in the Fixed Fire Sign.  Our thinking becomes more rational with greater ability at critical analysis to see what really is going on.  If Tuesday and Wednesday were a little difficult, Thursday offers a breath of fresh air.  As we have experienced over recent weeks, the three transcendental planets of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are all engaged today.  We have a greater push and determination, a strong self-affirmation, and we are looking to initiate projects or activities that allow us to put our personal mark on the matters we engage.  Let’s keep in mind that during this time of paradigm shift, we do not have to do it all.  On the contrary, we are co-creators with the universal energies, and if we take a signal from them, we can operate on greased wheels, be more effective with less expenditure of effort, and be highly successful in our pursuits.  We’ve just gotta believe and let go of any negative mindset that has seeped into our society’s collective consciousness [or is it unconsciousness?].  Like some form of brainwashing, we are constantly bombarded with all the projected problems but with few offers of real solutions.  Consequently, we accept the belief that we are heading for a dystopian future.  Why?  Despite all the challenges that we are told we are facing, some of which are real, some of which are only malarkey, as the old sage saying states: “we never get more than we can handle.”  Instead of the negative mindset of a dystopian future, perhaps like the Greek mythological phoenix rising from its ashes to soar ever higher, we could soon find ourselves transitioning into a golden age.  We just gotta believe. 

Friday, July 26th – Lovely Day, Lovely Day – Jupiter, Venus, Moon Void-of-Course.  Friday has the Moon continuing its transit of Aries with the Aries Moon sextile Jupiter in the early morning, and the Moon trine Venus early in the evening.  The Moon then goes Void-of-Course for over nineteen hours with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon finishes its transit of Aries and before the Moon enters Taurus on Saturday afternoon.  The two ‘good guys’ of the planetary realm are again engaged with harmonious, pleasant aspects from the Moon.  What a lovely day to sing in the sunshine.  This day is a highly pleasant time, feeling upbeat and optimistic, and a wonderful day to enjoy the company of other people.  Yesterday may have been a highly productive day, this Friday is far better suited to kicking back, spending time with a special someone, and appreciating a certain loving feeling.  Let’s not put any pressure on ourselves, since we have many days and many times when pressure is severely applied.  This Friday is just not one of those days. On the contrary, if we can, this Friday is a day for us to do whatever catches our fancy.  Finding creative outlets and finding venues for us to express ourselves can be invigorating and replenishing.  A day for us to truly enjoy.  Lovely day, lovely day.

Saturday, July 27th – Rock and a Hard Place – Moon Void-of-Course. Mercury, Lunar T-Square, Pluto, Sun.  Saturday begins with the Aries Moon Void-of-Course, making no connection to the planets as the Moon completes its transit of Aries until early afternoon EDT when the Moon exits Aries to enter Taurus.  The Taurus Moon today trines Mercury and triggers a Fixed Sign T-Square with the Moon square Pluto in Aquarius, and the Moon square the Sun in Leo.  Our mind can be sharp and attentive to the details but might also put a damper on our plans for what we want to do.  Ever engage a party pooper, one of those people who rains on your parade?  Mercury could be acting that way today.  There would seem to be blocks to our plans today.  We may find things too expensive, even those familiar activities can now have astronomical cost increases.  If we are engaging other people today to do something or go somewhere, they might put a kibosh on what we would like to do.  Today is a day when we might feel between a rock and a hard place.  As opposed to going for the gold, no expense spared, it would be wise for us to be judicious with our finances and with our involvements.  Today and tomorrow seem better for dealing with what needs to get done.

Sunday, July 28th – Tasks Taken Care of – Saturn.  Sunday continues with the Taurus Moon with the Moon today sextile Saturn in the evening. There is not a great deal of energy today, especially after yesterday’s hoo-ha.  We could feel depleted by any banging and crashing that went on yesterday.  Even if we tried to have fun yesterday, there may have been little, if any, fun.  Yesterday would have been better used dealing with mundane matters, and so to with this Sunday.  Taking care of details and attending to outstanding matters might not be the best fun on this Sunday, but the astrological energies support due diligence and focused involvement in dealing with the specifics and particulars of various issues.  We can achieve a great deal today, tie up loose ends and feel successful in what we have accomplished.  We might just need to keep our head down and take things step-by-step.  This is a day when we may heed the advice of ‘why put off until tomorrow what can be done today.’  Let’s not push ourselves but rather take things step by step.  We could surprise ourselves at the end of the day by how much we have gotten done.