August 2024

We come into August ready to spread our wings, engage the splendors of the summer season, and possibly fly away to exotic locales.

Although everything seems possible in concept and in our planning, we often gloss over any liable difficulties, one of which might occur on the 2nd of August when Venus squares Uranus. Financially, our expenditures may seem more costly than we had anticipated. Commentators and government officials can say that inflation has been tamed but, even if inflation has stalled, its recent upticks compounded have created financial rack and ruin. Everything seems to cost more, which could put a crimp on our intended August getaways and plans.

Relationships in early August can also seem dicey, as we see characteristics in people of which we were neither aware nor appreciating. 

The true impact of the Sun’s movement into Leo occurs with the Leo New Moon on the 4th when the Sun conjuncts the Moon [7:13 AM EDT] and impacts the fortnight up to the Full Moon on the 19th.

This two-week period would be a good time to take our summer vacation. As we come into mid-August and the latter part of August, children will be heading off to college orientations and schools will be opening for the school year.

The 4th also has Venus exiting Leo to enter Virgo. Relationships might be strained with people having expectations of other people. Criticisms can be running rampant, and we might judge many of our interactions with a sentiment of ‘what have you done for me lately?’  It will be important that we don’t become too judgy about other people while Venus is in Virgo until the 29th.

Mercury turns retrograde on the 5th of August [12:56 AM EDT] and will retrograde back into Leo until August 28th when Mercury turns direct. The retrograde through most of this month of August will remind us of Murphy’s Law where ‘whatever can go wrong could go wrong’. There are liable to be screwups, miscommunications, misunderstandings, and various other misses. Important decisions, significant purchases are better left until after Mercury turns direct.

August 7th has the Sun sextile Jupiter and Mercury conjunct Venus. Our confidence and optimism could prove contagious with us able to convince other people of the worthiness of our endeavors and engage their assistance in accomplishing our goals.

The 14th of August has Mars conjunct Jupiter and Mercury retrograding back into Leo [8:16 PM EDT]. We may be all over the place, trying this, trying that at this time. Social interactions can be entertaining and make us aware of various options for us to consider. Although a certain seriousness might have had us preparing to get back on track over the past few days, Mercury’s movement back into Leo reminds us that we are still in summer, the season when we take part in a variety of fun and games. We could reengage our travel bug, even taking day trips out of Dodge. We’re not interested in fitting back into harness of our regular routine yet. Let’s avoid doing too much, which might leave us exhausted by the end of the week.

Like a metronome with its wild swings, the Mars Jupiter configuration on the 14th with its wide range of involvements flips to restraints and constrictions on the 16th when Mars squares Saturn. If we have left unattended some of our obligations, they can be demanding our attention on the 16th. The question of balancing our actions this week is paramount with a liability of extreme movements between expansion initially and then contraction.

One of my least favorite energy configurations, Mercury square Uranus, that we experienced back on July 21st is back on the 18th of August and again on the 7th of September. The 21st also has the Sun conjunct Mercury. Arrogance can be a failing trait especially during this paradigm shift when we need to be flexible and adaptable to the opportunities that the universe offers. Contingency plans are called for with a recognition that there can be difficulties with travel, communications, and computer issues. Unexpected incidents could be challenging.

The 19th of August has the Aquarius Full Moon when the Sun opposes the Moon [2:26 PM EDT]. This Full Moon configuration is one intense influence with two T-Squares in play. The Full Moon has both the Sun and Moon square Uranus for a Fixed Sign T-Square. Venus triggers a Mutable Sign T-Square with Venus square Jupiter and Venus opposed Saturn. Jupiter squares Saturn. A sense of being tossed about by ‘the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune’ is liable. Like being on a bungee cord, we could feel ourselves pushing out, only to be snapped back. This is a day when we need to be fully aware of the unexpected developments that might occur. Certainly, this time could reflect the sentiment that ‘if you want to make god laugh, tell god your plans’.

The 19th of August is also the day that the Democratic National Convention begins with a hybrid form of virtual reality and in person in Chicago, the city that held the 1968 Democratic National Convention, a convention rocked by the anti-war protesters against the war in southeast Asia. Under the auspices of this Full Moon configuration, it would not be surprising to see major protests going on regarding the Israeli – Palestinian conflict.

This Convention is also operating under a Mercury retrograde where Murphy’s Law of ‘whatever can go wrong could go wrong’ is engaged.

Certainly, this convention has all the ingredients of expecting the unexpected.

The 22nd is the day that the Democratic Presidential nominee accepts their party’s nomination, a day when the Sun exits Leo to enter Virgo, and Venus squares Mars. By Sign, a Mutable Sign T-Square is ratcheted up.

As an aside, I have written it before, shall write it again. The Vice-Presidential candidates are the ones to fully consider and determine your selection when voting in the upcoming US Presidential election. In the incoming US Administration’s chart there is a Sun Pluto conjunction opposed by Mars, not a great augury for the President, as adverse aspects of Mars Pluto threaten acts of violence, such as an assasination attempt[s].

In our personal world, we may be getting back on track or preparing to do so. While summer is not over, routine matters are re-engaged. College orientations and school openings remind us that summer is coming to a close and that we are, or soon shall be, returning to our regular schedules.

With a Mutable Sign T-Square operating by Sign from the end of July through the end of September our nerves may be shot with episodes of anxiety and concern. It will be important for us to reconnect with nature and natural rhythms to dispel any fearfulness that might arise for us during these two months.

August 24th has Mercury sextile Mars. Good times with a good friend[s] can be uplifting and a joyous experience. We may feel better about ourselves by the company we keep. This weekend is a time for us to enjoy ourselves and look on the bright side, the right side, of life and living. Let’s allow ourselves spontaneous actions and unanticipated engagements. Personal makeovers and shopping for autumn wardrobes are favored by reason of our feel-good attitude.

We might be surprised by fortuitous events on the 27th of August. We could find ourselves being in the right place at the right time without our consciously determining to be so. Venus trines Uranus on the 27th, which affords the possibility of serendipitous encounters. Everything may seem to be humming along with little effort on our part.

Mercury turns direct on the 28th [5:14 PM EDT], ending its three-week retrograde cycle. We shall still be in the ‘shadow’ of the Mercury retrograde until September 11th when Mercury returns to the degree where Mercury first turned retrograde. Caution continues to be advised with constant evaluating and reevaluating whatever we are doing.

Venus exits Virgo to enter its own Sign of Libra on the 29th of August [9:23 AM EDT] and as it does so Venus trines Pluto. Relationships are likely to be less critical, more accepting of each person’s individual quirks and characteristics. A significant connection can be made at this time, someone who might prove a powerful advocate of our endeavors and assisting in paving our way.

August 2024… frenzied living in 2024…