February 2025

We come into February connected more to the otherworldly than to the mundane. A sense of cosmic connection and a connectedness to something far greater than our individual human selves can expand our vision and recognize how thin the boundaries between dimensions are.

The two power packs in the two most universal Signs, Aquarius and Pisces, open the door to phenomena beyond our five senses. It is not surprising that we are gaining a greater awareness of possibilities beyond our mundane perspective with an increasing belief that in our universe we are not alone.

The concentration of energy in Aquarius and Pisces in early February could have some people embracing alternative realities while others put on blinders to restrict their viewpoint to what they see right in front of them. It’s reminiscent of the recent times of lockdowns. I found it fascinating that there were often two different ways of dealing with the restricted movements of the lockdowns. Some people, who no longer had the diversions and distractions of their usual life, worked on themselves, did a lot of internal growth and development, and found avenues in which to express their creativity and their unique talents. Other people cowered in fear, paced the floor, and waited for some other shoe to drop. A similar situation could occur even now. As we experience dramatic changes, there will be those people who feel overwhelmed and anxious as if the world were about to end. Other people will see opportunities in the dynamics of these volatile times to engage an awakening, expansion in consciousness, and an ascension.

Either / or, always our choice.

With Venus conjunct Neptune on February 1st, we could find ourselves appreciating a soulmate connection. Relationships may seem karmic, fated, a sense of familiarity that time would not allow for and as though we had done the dance before with those people — in a different time, a different costume.

Early February can be a highly pleasant period. We do need to keep a grip on our emotions, since we might be easily swayed by our sensitivity to our surroundings, conditions, and circumstance.

Non-attachment to whatever is occurring is suggested, since our perspective regarding what is going on is often based upon subjective opinion rather than the objective reality of the situation.

On the 3rd of February, Mercury trines Jupiter. Conversations can be scintillating with discussions focused on future plans and with whom we wish to engage. Lighthearted and airy ideas could uplift us and make us appreciate that all is right in our world. We do need to watch for overenthusiasm and getting carried away by our good feelings.

A significant connection can be made or reenforced on the 7th of February when Venus conjuncts Pluto. Someone could prove inspirational and supportive to our ambitions. We might feel stronger in our convictions that we’re on the right course and fulfilling our soul’s destiny.

February 9th has the Sun conjunct Mercury and Mars trine Saturn. It would be wise for us to draw upon wise counsel before we move forward with our plans. With Uranus in the backdrop, front and center on the 10th and 11th, we might encounter unexpected difficulties over the next two days. Someone with a detached perspective may be able to highlight the positives and the liabilities of whatever we intend to do. By going slow and evaluating as we proceed, we could mitigate unanticipated problems to our endeavors.

The 10th of February has Mercury square Uranus. My least favorite energy configuration for air travel, this aspect contributes to travel problems, traffic backups, communication difficulties, and troubles with high technology. With the Sun square Uranus on the 11th, these two days could have us facing all sorts of unexpected issues. We might want to have contingency plans for whatever we have scheduled, since situations can arise that force us to change course, alter our schedule, and feel victim to circumstance. While turmoil may ensue, we need to engage the wartime British sentiment of ‘keep calm and carry on’.

Mercury exits Aquarius and enters Pisces on the 14th [7:06 AM EST]. The Stellium in Aquarius ends, and the Pisces Stellium is reengaged as Mercury joins Saturn and Neptune in the Mutable Water Sign. Mercury is in Detriment in Pisces where our thinking becomes based upon moods and emotions and feelings rather than reasoning or critical analysis. It’s Valentine’s Day, so we’ll need to temper our expectations and not fall prey to oversensitivity.

The 18th of February has the Sun exiting Aquarius to enter Pisces increasing the influence of the Pisces Stellium as the Sun joins Mercury, Saturn, and Neptune in the Mutable Water Sign. When it rains, it pours, and we might witness this statement both in intense precipitation and flash flooding from atmospheric storm systems and extreme emotions from personal mood swings. To alleviate the heavy Water influence, we need to keep in mind that we are in process of ending a cycle and not yet at the beginning of a new cycle.

Mercury squares Jupiter on the 20th. Both Mercury and Jupiter are in Detriment being in Signs opposite to their ruling Signs. And both are in Mutual Reception with Jupiter in the Sign ruled by Mercury, and Mercury in the Sign ruled by Jupiter prior to the assignation of Neptune to Pisces. This is a powerful combination and configuration and calls for us to take everything with a grain of salt and not get carried away by exuberance or appearance. This time might have us experience a situation where what we see or what we hear is not what we get. Enthusiasm can be contagious, but unchecked could lead to unwise actions and behavior. Avoid making major decisions or significant commitments under this influence.

The 23rd of February has Mercury trine Mars just before Mars turns direct [9:00 PM EST]. Straightening things around our home and ridding ourselves of the extraneous would help us clean up and clear out. Mars has been retrograde since early December with Mars retrograding back into Cancer, a Sign of Fall for Mars. Both Mars retrograde and Mars in Cancer indicate a weakened Mars with physical energy low and self-assertiveness diminished. With Mars turning direct, we can feel greater physical energy with our physical energy becoming a great deal stronger when Mars re-enters Leo in mid-April.

Mercury conjuncts Saturn on the 25th of February. We are liable to see the half glass of water as half empty rather than half full. We could feel down in the dumps with our thoughts turning negative as we consider all that we don’t have rather than all the blessings we do have. If we would harness our emotions, we would be able to contemplate how to pare down, eliminate high maintenance items, and make our life simpler.

Towards the end of February, on the 27th, we have the Pisces New Moon with the Sun conjunct the Moon [7:45 PM EST] and Mercury sextile Uranus. Impacting the next two weeks up to the Full Moon on March 14th, this New Moon suggests we take a responsive approach, look and listen, and be open to insights and those ‘ah-ha’ moments occurring ever more frequently. The more receptive we are to what is occurring around us, the more in tune we shall be to the transitions and transformations happening during this paradigm shift.

February 2025… seeing beyond the veil a world of limitless possibilities…