Janaury 20th – 26th, 2025

The astrology for this week of January 20th through the 26th of 2025 with the first full week of the Sun’s transit through Aquarius offers us the promise and potential of a radically transformative time as a prelude to the technological revolution.

The acknowledged godfather of rap, Gil Scott-Heron, may have voiced the opinion that The Revolution Will Not Be Televised, but it will be lived both in our personal lives and in society.

This week’s astrology configurations grease the wheels for us to focus on what is truly meaningful in our lives, our individual journey of where we want to go.

Ridding ourselves of the extraneous and outmoded allows us to be unburdened by our past.  Straightening up and clearing out provide the blank space on which we can develop new interests and our future intentions.

It is essential that we acknowledge the paradigm shift through we are operating with an appreciation that egocentric interests and personal willfulness might hamper our forward movement.  Instead, being open to innovative means and drawing upon new technologies would ease our way.

The primary opportunity and main challenge for each of us is accepting our role as co-creators with the universe unfolding rather than assuming that we are the sole arbiters of our path forward.

The weekend allows us to spread our wings and rearrange our base of operations.  Like an eagle creating its nest, we can take care of our personal environment and then able to fly from our nest to always come back to the safety and security of our individual sanctuary.

Monday, January 20th – I Have a Dream – Lunar T-Square, Mercury, Mars, Moon Void-of-Course.  Monday begins this week with the Moon completing its transit of Libra with the Libra Moon triggering a Cardinal Sign T-Square with the Moon square Mercury in Capricorn and the Moon square Mars in Cancer to end the day.  The Moon then goes Void-of-Couse for almost twelve hours with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon finishes its transit of Libra and before the Moon enters Scorpio around midday [EST] on Tuesday. In the US, this Monday is both the day honoring Martin Luther King, Jr., and the inauguration of the 47th US President, Donald J. Trump.  In our personal world, this day is a time for us to consider our options and our alternatives for our future endeavors.  We may need to address outstanding matters, but much of our focus is likely to be more on what might lie ahead for us rather than where we have been and what we have been doing.  Today is a day for us to engage in concept the wide range of possibilities.  We could sense that we don’t have the necessary resources to pull off some grand adventure, but we are operating during a paradigm shift, a time when we are moving from linear, sequential reality into asequential reality where things can occur in the most unexpected ways with a dose of magic and miracle thrown in the mix.  We do not have to do it all, but we do need to be open to the possibility of even the seemingly impossible.  This Monday is a day for us to fuel and emphasize the sentiments of “I have a dream.”

Tuesday, January 21st – Bloom off the Rose – Moon Void-of-Course, Pluto, Sun.  Tuesday begins with the Moon Void-of-Course for eleven and a half hours as the Moon finishes its transit of Libra and before the Moon enters Scorpio where today the Scorpio Moon squares both Pluto and the Sun both in Aquarius.  The Sun conjuncts Pluto.  Although yesterday offered an indication of various positive developments, this Tuesday might seem to slam the door shut on them.  We could feel as though our future endeavors are blocked.  Certainly, the Debbie Downers and Eeyores may be out in full force, carping about this, complaining about that, all the while promulgating their idea of a dystopian future.  If you believe it, you can conceive it.  Always a matter of choice.  While there might be parade rainers wanting to put a negative spin on things, I always suggest “check the source and check their agenda.”  Instead of falling prey to negativity, let’s focus on what we would consider the most meaningful in our life and the essential involvements for us to pursue.  This is a day when we can whittle down and sharpen what our future intentions might be.  The bloom might seem to come off the rose, but setbacks can be momentary and provide opportunities of finetuning our engagements in order for us to be more functional and competent in the developments of trajectories either planned by us or by our personal destiny.

Wednesday, January 22nd – Build Upon Rock – Saturn.  Wednesday continues with the Scorpio Moon with the Moon late in the day trine Saturn.  There is not a great deal of energy as we start this Wednesday.  Perhaps we are reeling from whatever occurred yesterday that might have knocked the air out of our sails.  We might choose to spend some time alone today and consider what we need to eliminate from our lives so that we can operate from a more streamlined and less distracted lifestyle.  In numerology, the 22 is the Master Number of the Master Builder, where we can devise the strongest foundations upon which to build our projects. If we do not reach and employ the master number of the 22, we are liable to bring it down to its lowest common denominator which in this case would be the 4, indicative of a lot of work with nose to grindstone.  Let’s reach for the higher vibration, determine a best practices approach by which to realize our dreams, and focus on the specifics rather than just fanciful concepts. Life is a roller coaster ride now, and we need to be prepared and prepare ourselves for the unanticipated incidents and alterations to what appears to be reality.

Thursday, January 23rd – Pick Yourself Up, Dust Yourself Off – Mercury, Uranus, Lunar Grand Trine, Venus, Mars, Neptune, Moon Void-of-Course.  Thursday has the Scorpio Moon sextile Mercury, the Moon opposed Uranus, and the Moon triggering a Water Grand Trine with the Scorpio Moon trine Mars in Cancer and the Moon trine Venus in Pisces to begin the day and the Moon trine Neptune in Pisces towards the end of the day.  The Moon then goes Void-of-Course for four and a half hours with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon completes its transit of Scorpio and before the Moon enters Sagittarius at the end of the day.  Mars sextiles Uranus, Mercury opposes Mars, and Mercury trines Uranus.  This Thursday encourages us like the classic song lyrics that we “pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start over again.”  There is a kite pattern chart today energizing us to put our spirit into action.  If we used yesterday’s sober, reflective tenor to line our ducks up in a row, then this day impels us to take things step by step and accomplish a great amount.  Doing things differently and utilizing innovative ways to get things done can have us highly productive and effective in all our endeavors.  This is a day not to be lost on either wistfulness or distractions.  Let’s focus on what we need to get done and consider our options once pressing demands are out of our way.  We may surprise ourselves by how things could fall neatly into place in an expedited but also unexpected manner.  We might harness our focus on our priorities, all the while drawing upon streamlined methodology.  Not a day to be lost but one to be savored.

Friday, January 24th – Over the Rainbow – Pluto, Sun, Jupiter.  Friday has the Sagittarius Moon sextile both Pluto and the Sun both in Aquarius and the Moon opposed Jupiter.  Hopefully, we used yesterday’s octane-fueled day to accomplish what we needed to get done.  Friday has us more interested in our future than our present.  Getting together with friends or traveling out of town suggests that our work week ended yesterday with today opening the door to our flying away from our tasks and responsibilities.  Although we may be in a highly expansionary mood today, we do need to avoid trying to do too much.  We could be feeling our oats, have a sense of invincibility, and assume that everything will fall neatly into place as it might have done yesterday.  Life is often like a metronome with wild swings between functionality with a little help from the universal unfolding and dysfunctionality from years of society’s entitled conditioning.  This is a day when it would be wise to remind ourselves mantram-like that sometimes ‘less is more’.  This Friday is best served socializing, catching up with other people and moving out of our comfort zone into activities that stir our passion and put a smile on our face.

Saturday, January 25th – Too Much, Too Soon – Saturn, Venus, Mars.  Saturday continues with the Sagittarius Moon with the Moon today square both Saturn and Venus both in Pisces.  Venus trines Mars.  If we overdid yesterday, this Saturday may be a day to whittle down.  Life recently has tended to go through real whipsaws between the extremes of elated expansion and deflated compression.  Neither extreme has us operating at our optimum but rather necessitates bouncing between the two until we reach a balance point of equilibrium and moderation.  Yesterday could have had us flying high but overexpanding.  Today might necessitate cutting back, dampening our enthusiasm but avoiding falling into a depressive state.  Everything today can seem too much for us with a liability of any little thing causing us annoyance and irritation.  If we lower our expectations and allow ourselves some ‘down time’ to catch our breath and recharge our batteries, then the evening hours may be more pleasant with time spent with a good friend at a concert or performance or just sitting back in the sanctity of natural rhythms.

Sunday, January 26th – These Magic Moments – Neptune, Moon Void-of-Course, Mercury, Venus, Uranus.  Sunday begins the day with the Sagittarius Moon square Neptune.  The Moon then goes Void-of-Course for four hours with the Moon making no further connections to the planets as the Moon finishes its transit of Sagittarius and before the Moon enters Capricorn where today the Capricorn Moon makes no connections to the planets.  Mercury sextiles Neptune, and Venus sextiles Uranus.  Our sleep state might be restless with a gnawing sense of anxiety hampering our restfulness.  Perhaps the swings of emotion between Friday and Saturday have taken a toll, wiped us out and left us emotionally drained.  Some of our feelings about things could be triggered by our ego and our perception of how things should go according to our individual perspective.  Nice concept but fully out of synch with these times that suggest we get out of our own way and work with the energies rather than trying to control the energies and adjusting them to our will.  If we would take off our blinders, not get too full of ourselves, then we would be open to receive the magic and mini-miracles of these times.  Blending our rational mind with our intuitive sense can make us aware of different ways of looking at things, a perspective that might be truer to reality than our own perceptions.  And serendipity could be in play today as we run into or hear from someone who enhances our feeling of personal well-being.  Sometimes we need to look up and look around in order to see opportunities and benefits.  Relationships can be close to idyllic either with new and unexpected encounters or by seeing a different and sterling characteristic of a good friend.  These magic moments are happening more and more.  It’s all a matter of being in the right place at the right.  We just need to look in order to see.