Monthly Archives: September, 2010

  • October 2010

    This October can test our balance between extremes and allows us opportunities to shed the past and let go of the extraneous. This is a month for us to focus on our relationships, both old and new…

  • Connecticut in October

    I shall be back in Connecticut next month and available for in-person sessions in Greenwich from Saturday, October 16th, through Sunday, October 24th…

  • Autumn 2010

    Like nature itself in the Northern Hemisphere, this Autumn offers a stripping away to allow us to see the bare bones and the essence of what is really going on…

  • September 2010

    September seems more placid and ever more gentle as compared to this past month of August. During September, we may be focused on our daily responsibilities, engaging our due diligence and concerned more with our mundane world than setting the world on fire…